Susan R. Furr

Susan R. Furr
Dr. Susan Furr is a professor in the Department of Counseling at UNC Charlotte. Prior to her career in teaching, she worked as a school counselor and a psychologist at the university counseling center. Her specialized teaching interests include grief and loss counseling and crisis counseling. Research interests include college student development, problems of professional competency, grief related to substance abuse, and counseling student development.
Ph. D. – 1981 University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill Counseling Psychology
M. A. – 1973 Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC Guidance & Counseling
B. A. – 1972 University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC Sociology/Social Work
Instructional Theories
Grief and Loss Counseling
Crisis Counseling
Group Counseling
Research Interests/Areas of Expertise
Problems of Professional Competence
College Student Development
Counseling Student Development
Grief and Substance Abuse
Awards & Honors
• Outstanding Research Article, The Professional Counselor, 2017
• IAAOC Research Award, 2013
• Ella Stephens Barret Award for Distinguished Service, North Carolina Counseling Association, 2008
• UNC Charlotte Magical Mentor Award, 2007
• SACES Outstanding Tenured Counselor Educator, 2006
• Mary Thomas Burke Mentoring Award, NCASERVIC, 2006
• Distinguished Alumni Award, Department of Counseling,Wake Forest University, 2005
• Phi Kappa Phi, 2004
• Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence Finalist, 2003
• College of Education Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2003
Selected Publications
*Brown-Rice, K., & Furr, S. (2017). Determining the effectiveness of an alcohol intervention program with Greek college students. Journal of Addictions and Offender Counselors.
* Furr, S., & Brown-Rice, K. (2016). Doctoral students’ knowledge of educators’ problems of professional competency. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 10, 223-230. doi:
*Brown-Rice, K., & Furr, S. (2016). Counselor educators and students with problems of professional competence: A survey and discussion. The Professional Counselor, 6, 134-146. doi:10.15241/kbr.6.2.134
*Brown-Rice, K., & Furr, S. (2015). Differences in college Greek members’ binge drinking behaviors: A dry/wet house comparison. The Professional Counselor, 5, 354-364. doi:10.15241/kbr.5.3.354
*Brown-Rice, K. & Furr, S. (2015). Gatekeeping ourselves: Counselor Educators’ knowledge of colleagues’ problematic behaviors. Counselor Education & Supervision, 54, 176–188. doi: 10.1002/ceas.12012.
*Furr, S. R., Johnson, W. D. and Goodall, C. S. (2015), Grief and recovery: The Prevalence of grief and loss in substance abuse treatment. Journal Addictions & Offender Counseling, 36, 43–56. doi: 10.1002/j.2161-1874.2015.00034.x
*Burton, S. & Furr, S. (2014). Conflict in multicultural classes: Approaches to resolving difficult dialogues. Counselor Education and Supervision, 53. 97-110. doi: 10.1002/j.1556-6978.2014.00051.x
*Brown-Rice, K. A., & Furr, S. (2013). Pre-service counselors’ knowledge of classmates’ problems of professional competency. Journal of Counseling and Development, 91, 224-233.