School Counseling Post-Masters Certificate

Note: All school counseling certificate applications are due February 1, 2024 for the 2024 cohort. All application materials, including transcripts and recommendations, must be uploaded by February 1.
Are you interested in becoming a professional school counselor? Have you previously earned a Masters degree in counseling? If so, UNC Charlotte’s post-masters certificate in school counseling may be the right fit for you.
The post-masters certificate in school counseling is comprehensive in scope, convenient in nature, and accessible to a range of diverse students. The 12-credit distance education program is designed for individuals who want to become professional school counselors and have already earned Masters degrees in other counseling specialties like clinical mental health counseling, couples and family counseling, and others.
Upon completion of the certificate and passing the Praxis exam in school counseling, students can be recommended for school counseling licensure through the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Pending state requirements, this licensure may be reciprocal with school counseling licensure/certification in other states.
All Post-Masters Certificate in School Counseling applications are due February 1, 2023 for the 2023 admissions cycle.
Online Program Information Session
Prospective applicants for the post-masters certificate in school counseling program are invited to attend an online program information session with the program director and enrollment specialist on Wednesday, December 6 at 12pm ET. Attendees can learn more about admissions requirements and program features.
Please register for the information session here:
Tuition Rate
Students in the post-masters certificate in school counseling qualify for UNC Charlotte’s Out of NC Non-Resident Distance Education Tuition Rate. This rate is for students who reside outside of the state of North Carolina and complete Distance Education courses. It makes the cost roughly half of non-resident tuition rates. Click here for more information about current tuition rates.
Program of Study
The post-masters certificate in school counseling is comprised of four sequential courses. All coursework is completed online through synchronous and asynchronous formats. The program of study is:
- The Professional School Counselor (CSLG 7141): an introduction to the profession of school counseling using the ASCA National Model as a basis for practice and program development. (Summer Session I, May-June)
- Consultation in School Counseling (CSLG 7140 ): an introduction to the professional school counselor’s role in consulting and coordinating school and community resources for the optimum benefit of students. (Summer Session II, July-August)
- Advanced Internship (CSLG 7436): a 300-hour supervised school counseling internship is required, in addition to participation in weekly internship supervision seminars for students to demonstrate advanced level skills. (Fall)
- Advocacy and Leadership (CSLG 7646): students develop effective leadership skills in school counseling with an emphasis on the utilization of data for systemic change and student success. (Fall)
Applying to the Certificate
The application deadline for the post-masters certificate in school counseling is February 1. All applications materials, including transcripts and recommendation letters, must be submitted by February 1 to guarantee review. Students are accepted into the post-masters certificate in school counseling as a cohort, therefore application decisions are only made once per year, following the February 1 deadline. Admissions is not rolling, and applications submitted after the February deadline will not be reviewed until the following year. See the timeline below for clarification.
Application Timeline
February 1 – deadline for all applications
February 30 – admissions committee will inform applicants of admissions decisions
March – admitted applicants begin arranging course registration and school counseling internship placements, in conjunction with the program director
May – courses begin for admitted and enrolled applicants
December – enrolled students complete coursework and graduate
Applications are completed online through the UNC Charlotte Graduate School website. Click here to begin your application now.
Applications must include:
- A graduate application and application processing fee
- A statement of purpose: this statement should be a professionally written statement describing the applicant’s rationale for applying to the certificate, reasons for wanting to become a professional school counselor, and relevant work experience. Quality personal statements are typically 500-1000 words in length.
- Three letters of recommendation: references should be professional acquaintances who know the applicant well. Example references include current or previous work supervisors and university instructors. We recommend that references submit formal letters of recommendation, in addition to completing the brief reference questionnaire on the Graduate School application.
- College and graduate coursework transcripts: transcripts for all college and graduate schools attended must be submitted. We recommend that applicants address any grades of “C” or lower in the statement of purpose.
Additional Certificate Information:
Frequently Asked Questions
Program Features
Students and Alumni
For program inquiries, please contact:
Elena Artsiukhevich, Enrollment Specialist
Book a time to chat!
Additional program information
Certificate Director:
Clare Merlin-Knoblich, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, UNC Charlotte
Office: COED 254