Professional Development

Professional Development
Professional growth and development is strongly encouraged. Students are advised to become involved with professional associations. Students are also invited to present at and participate in professional conferences. Membership involvement and attendance at conferences facilitates one’s professional growth as new skills are acquired, as well as forming and maintaining professional relationships with colleagues.
The North Carolina School Counselor Association (NCSCA) annual conference occurs in the fall of each year and hosts an annual graduate student poster session.
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) annual conference occurs in the summer [June/July]. Check the link on our home page for Upcoming Events for location and dates.
Professional Memberships
Participating in professional organizations are great ways to continue in your professional development, to make connections with other professional school counselors, and to be a social advocate. Most organizations offer a reduced membership fee to students. Students are strongly encouraged to join professional organizations. Learn more about these organizations here.