Master's Degree Concentrations
Master’s Degree Concentrations
UNC Charlotte’s Department of Counseling offers a Master of Arts (MA) in Counseling degree. Students may choose one of three primary concentrations in which to specialize: Addictions, Clinical Mental Health, or School Counseling. See below for more information on each of these concentrations, as well as the Play Therapy secondary concentration and gerontology graduate certificate.

Play Therapy Secondary Concentration
In addition to the Department of Counseling’s primary counseling concentrations, Master’s students can add a four-course secondary concentration in Play Therapy to the School or Clinical Mental Health Counseling program of study.
Graduate Certificate in Gerontology
In addition to the Department of Counseling’s primary counseling concentrations, Master’s students can add a four-course Graduate Certificate in Gerontology to the School or Clinical Mental Health Counseling program of study.
Counseling Licensure
The Master’s in Counseling program is designed to support students’ licensure in counseling. Depending on their concentration, students may pursue licensure as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor-Associate, Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist-Associate, and/or Licensed K-12 Professional School Counselor upon graduation. Students are also eligible to pursue certification as a National Certified Counselor upon completion of the Master’s degree.